Friday, January 18, 2013

If you were a fly on my wall today... would hear the following:

"Is it dark outside? What does that mean?" {Answer: It's time to be calm. And go back to sleep...}

"Don't eat snow off of your shoes."

"Stop eating the crayons!"

"Sit down on your bum!"

"Sit down on your bum!"

"Sit down on your bum!"

"Sit down on your bum!"

{Both of our children struggle with staying on their bum!}

"Wait, we need to say a prayer!"

"Go put your nose in the corner."

"Quit licking your snot."

"You have to have pants and shoes on before you go outside."

"It is not okay to eat stuff off of the floor." (Yes, it was from breakfast....No, I have not had a chance to sweep the floors yet...)

"Leave Mama's knitting alone. Not your business."

"Quit throwing that at the window."

"Go to sleep."

"Go to sleep."

"Go to sleep or you lose your pillow."

"Don't pull your hair!"

"We do not hit each other."

"You have to wait for Mom to come check you before you get off of the toilet."

"No, you can't have a knife. Sorry."

"We do not hide crayons in our panties."

"You need to use your calm voice."

I hope I can successfully make it through the day without hiding in the bathroom until Steven gets home from work...

1 comment:

  1. Tee hee! I like the one about hiding crayons in your underwear the never know when the artistic mood might strike!
