Saturday, January 19, 2013

Alvin Corn Glass Cleaner

I finally got the gumption to get going on my goal to replace all of my store bought cleaners with homemade cleaners. I did tell Steve that we'd just use up what we have, and when it's gone I'd replace it with the cheaper, homemade version. But I couldn't wait to use up all of the monster-sized jug of Windex (I haven't made up my mind to give it away or not). I wanted to try this recipe for homemade glass cleaner.

I was a bit hesitant to believe Crunchy Betty's claim that it made your windows and mirrors glisten like a finely-polished diamond:

"Okay. So this stuff, it makes your mirrors look like they were just born. Fresh from the mirror womb. Seriously. I haven’t met a Windex or Glass Plus that could produce this kind of streak-free, clean and clear shine."

Why was I hesitant? Because the recipe calls for Cornstarch. C.O.R.N.S.T.A.R.C.H., people.

Here is the recipe:

1/4 c Rubbing ALcohol
1/4 c White VINegar
1 T CORNstarch
2 c warm water

 I fudged with it a little, though. I  thought that I needed to double the batch to fit a regular spray bottle, but you don't need to, it's just the right amount for a spray bottle. I doubled the amount of rubbing alcohol, white vinegar, and cornstarch. It still blew me away. I seriously had to step back and steady myself on the bathroom wall. THIS STUFF WORKS LOADS BETTER! WINDEX COULDN'T HOLD A CANDLE TO THIS GLASS CLEANER! IT ALSO CUT THE HARD WATER SPOTS ON MY BATHROOM FAUCET! I WILL BE HOPELESSLY COMMITTED TO THE GLASS CLEANER FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE.

To see the original post, go here! Crunch Betty also has a bathroom cleaner that I'm excited to try. 

1 comment:

  1. I wonder what I did wrong... It worked great on smaller mirrors but on the big bathroom mirrors? Streaky. I wonder if I sprayed too large an area and it began to dry. I had to clean the whole thing over with "the blue stuff".

    Any thoughts?

    Kathi Jo
