Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hi, my name is Tiffany, and my dryer wears a knee-high.

One of the ways Steven and I have tried to save money involves laundry. We make our own laundry soap, we hang our clothes to dry out on the laundry line in the warmer part of the year...and during the cold months when we have to dry our clothes in the dryer, our dryer wears a nylon knee-high. It allows the warm air to stay in the house. We have to keep an eye on it and replace it with a new one every month and a half. But it also keeps moisture in our home and helps with static and with dry skin. Yes, this is something that needs to be monitored to make sure it doesn't cause fires. We monitor it very close. On laundry days, I don't have to turn on the heater at all--we just use the heat from the dryer to heat our home. I also still line dry, in a way. Anything that would end up on a hanger is dried on a hanger--saves me time and money, that way I can combine batches and have the dryer running less.

(Please, no comments about the knee-high. I know what it looks like. Spare me. It's even more disconcerting when the dryer is running...)

Here is a photo of said knee-high. We use the hose clamp to keep the knee-high on. When the clothes aren't drying as fast as they normally do, it's a sign to change the knee-high for a new one. 

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