Monday, February 25, 2013

I have no idea what to write.

My children were angry at me all day long. So was the little boy I tended. I thought it was going to be a good day. I have no idea how to feel about it.

My husband was very critical of me today. I feel very lonely, very forgotten. I have no idea how to let that go.  

My house is unkempt, the dishes waiting to be done, the laundry piled--clean and dirty, the floors need to be cleaned, the bathroom scrubbed, the beds need to be made up with new bed clothing, the trashes emptied. I have no idea how to manage it all. I have no idea how it feels to have a well-run home. 

Dinner was chicken pot pies. The crappy, cheap ones. Everyone hated it. No one was pleased. No one cared that I rushed home to make sure there was something to eat. That they wouldn't go to bed hungry. I have no idea be the homemaker they expect me to be. 

My solo in church yesterday was a disaster. I have no idea how I could have prevented that. 

My resources are so limited. I have no idea how to make it all work. 

My calling scares me. It requires so much of me to make it happen. I have no idea how I'm going to be able to keep going.

My energy is gone. I have no idea how to get it back. 

My faith is wavering, it feels smaller than a seed. I have no idea how it is going to sustain me.

My efforts seem so pale to what is required, what is needed to be responsible and confident and sure of myself, of life, of the future. I don't have anything else to give. What I can offer is not enough, I am always behind. I have no idea how to settle for such meager accomplishments. 

My blog seems like a waste of time. It seems to be a drain of my last little bit of energy at the day. I don't think anyone cares what I have to say, especially when life is so dark right now, so scary and chaotic and unnerving. No one wants to read what's really going on with me. They don't want to hear about the demons, the hardships, my dark thoughts and frustrations and fears. I have no idea why I keep posting. 

I have no idea what to write. Other than the truth. The truth is...the truth is that I'm a failure. I have failed. I am not enough. I don't have what it takes to be strong and resilient during the most damn awful trials I have ever been through. The truth is that I don't get to move past these wounds or these crosses to bear, to make progress. I am a failure. I have bad luck. I am forgotten. I have been sent here to fail over and over and over again. The truth is that I don't have it in me anymore. The truth is that I have been beaten. It's over and I've failed. And I have no idea how to wake up to that tomorrow and live with it. I guess I'll just be a failure day after day. Because it doesn't get any better, doesn't make a difference how hard I try, what new mantra I learn or conference talk that I read to inspire me to keep going or goals that I set or baby steps that I take. It is what it is. Hopeless. And it's only going to get worse.  


  1. So for the record, I love reading every word of your blog. I feel like it's one of the few blogs that IS honest and real. I have always wanted to comment but I never know what to say. It breaks my heart to hear about all of the struggles you guys go through. You are the kindest person and one of the greatest friends I have known, even if we have only known each other for a short time. I always am in awe at how you manage to keep going through all of the struggles. Every time I read your blog, I rack my brain to think of some way I can help and feel useless because I can't. I don't have any words of wisdom to offer, like you always give me when I need them. We have barely enough money to survive, but if we had more, I would offer it in a heartbeat. Seriously. I just wanted you to know that I admire you and your willingness to keep going through it all. I will pray for you and hope that things will improve. I'm sorry I don't have more to offer!

  2. You aren't forgotten, love. And I know it doesn't feel this way, but believe it or not, "this too shall pass." And although it never feels like it's passing quick enough at the time - one day you wake up and can breathe a little easier than the day before. Baby Steps. Even if the victories are small, they are still victories...and it's the little battles that win the war eventually.

  3. Thank you, gals. It's a strength to know you're in my corner. :)

  4. Hey Tiff, I read your blog all the time. I'm so sorry you're struggling right now. I hate that sometimes life just sucks. I enjoy reading your blog because you are honest. I get so sick of reading blogs where life is just is always clean, kids are always wonderful, husband is perfect in every way, dinner is always fantastic and ready at 5....I think you know what I mean. I have never experienced a life like that. My house is usually messier then it is clean and while it drives me insane, I have to remind myself that I live in a small home with 3 small children and someday I might miss their fingerprints all over everything and stepping on their toys. I will miss their little footsteps running down the hall and their giggles from the other room. They will grow up and move on and then it will be easier to maintain this perfectly clean house that I desire, but until then, I'm trying to enjoy what I have and soak it all in. Just take it one day at a time, one minute at a time if you have to. Life isn't perfect but what matters is that you just keep plugging along. Spring is just around the corner girl....the sun will shine again soon. Praying for you. :)
